Poetry Books – Wanted!

1 January, 2024 admin 0

The Poetry Book Awards is an annual, international book award given to the best poetry books produced by indie writers, self-published authors or books published […]

Wanted – Poetry Books!

2 January, 2023 admin 0

The Poetry Book Awards is an annual, international book award given to the best poetry books produced by indie writers, self published authors or books […]

Callout For Poetry Books!

16 March, 2022 admin 0

The Poetry Book Awards is an annual, international book award given to the best poetry books produced by indie writers, self published authors or books […]

Africa Poems – Selected Works

8 February, 2022 admin 0

Welsh writer Dave Lewis has just launched his 11th poetry collection, an anthology of the ‘Africa-themed’ poems that have appeared in all his previous collections. […]

Poetry Library Of Wales?

14 January, 2022 admin 0

There have been numerous calls for a Welsh Poetry Library over the years.  England has two, Scotland has one but Wales, always the poor neighbour […]

Send Us Your Indie Poetry Books

6 April, 2021 admin 0

The Poetry Book Awards is an annual, international book award given to the best poetry books produced by indie writers, self published authors or books published by […]

Welsh Book Store

10 December, 2020 admin 0

There seems to be a bit of a revolution in the book world happening at the moment.  Lots of people, retailers, especially the smaller outlets […]

Poetry Book Awards

1 September, 2020 admin 0

Founded in Pontypridd, South Wales the international ‘Poetry Book Awards’ gives self published writers and small indie press authors a chance to gain recognition in […]