Note: If you have trouble downloading the entry form then just print this page, fill out and post to the usual address (or save it and email to us).
The Entry Form
Name _______________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________
Postcode ______________________
Country _______________________
Telephone _____________________
If you would like to sign up for our GDPR-compliant newsletter please click here or write your address below:
I enclose ____ poems @ £6 each and £ ____ payment by cheque/PO in GBP made payable to: The Welsh Poetry Competition
I enclose the following poems:
- ___________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________
Continue on a separate sheet if required
Where did you hear about us? ___________________________________
Please attach this form to your poems and payment and post to:
The Welsh Poetry Competition
9 The Avenue, Pontypridd, CF37 4DF, Wales, UK