‘The Third One’ is the latest compilation from the competition’s organisers and comprises all the winners from the last five years of the contest, namely 2017-2021.
“This third anthology not only cements our position as the biggest and best poetry competition in Wales but also proves there is a viable outlet for talented poets here as well. A place for writers to be acclaimed on merit and not because of some connection to certain establishment figures or prejudice.
With thousands of entries from forty countries in the world we are firmly established on the global literary scene and each year we publish some of the best modern poetry there is.
After fifteen years of running the contest not only are we here to stay but we look forward with confidence to the next five years and yet more awesome poetry heading our judges’ way.
The book also includes the judges’ comments. ‘The Third One’ is a beautiful collection of fabulous poetry to delight any serious reader.”
Dave Lewis
To get a copy – click here.
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